O.D.O.R. Service Dogs Inc. is an educational and research non-profit organization created out of necessity to address the growing concern of scent detection service dogs not having a standard that all dogs should be measured against. Standards work to ensure dogs are performing their scent tasks accurately and reliably for their disabled handlers. Our goal is to provide these standards as titles and offer the ability for dogs to be evaluated by an unbiased Evaluator to make sure they meet or exceed these standards.
Our organization is focused on education, research, and reliability of scent detection service dogs. We are not a program that trains service dogs, endorses trainers or sells already trained service dogs.
O.D.O.R. Service Dogs Inc., in collaboration with several canine scent and olfaction researchers, have created titles for the myriad scent tasks a service dog may be trained to perform. More titles may be added in the future, and existing titles may be modified as we learn more about canine olfaction and refining testing methods to reduce or eliminate handler bias.
O.D.O.R. Service Dogs Inc. has also published a series of Obedience Titles leading to a final Public Access Title created as a minimum standard for behavior expected of a service dog's in public.
Brief overviews of all titles are published on our website here, as we believe the standards for each title should be freely available to the public.

All our Evaluators go through a rigorous application process.
They must first be a Professional Member with O.D.O.R. Service Dogs and be in good standing.
Applicants must have a minimum of 3 years of experience working with dogs or a minimum of 300 hours working with service dogs. They may apply to be a Obedience or Scent Evaluator or both but they must have training hours in those specific areas to apply. They are also required to complete a minimum of 3 practice evaluations that will be reviewed by O.D.O.R. Service Dogs Inc. this
For a full list of all the requirements to become an Evaluator click here.
As an organization dedicated to promoting the highest level of reliability and standards expected of service dogs, we also expect high standards of ethics of our members. All O.D.O.R. members agree to abide by our Code of Ethics.

If you would like to support our mission to help members of the disabled community, whose lives can be significantly improved by the aid of a well trained and reliable scent detection service dog, as well as our goal of funding research into all aspects of canine medical scent detection, then we have two ways you can easily do that below.
The Donate Now! link will take you to our PayPal Giving Fundraiser Page. By donating through this non-profit organization, we will receive your full donation without any PayPal processing fees. As we are a registered non-profit organization, you will receive appropriate documentation for tax deduction purposes, if located within the United States.
The other option to support our organization will cost you nothing at all! If you click on the Amazon Smile link below, it will allow you to choose to support our non-profit with your normal Amazon purchases, at no cost to you.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at info@odorservicedogs.org or fill out a contact for on our contact page.
We thank you for your support!